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Servers are stored in a separate file and can  be selected from a dropdown in the various internet related actions.  Servers can be either FTP or SMTP servers for FTP and email actions.




Use the Insert button to create a new entry. 







Server Type

Select either FTP or SMTP.

Server Name

Descriptive name of the FTP server.  This name is used in the server selection dropdown.

Server IP or URL

Here you need to enter either the IP address or the URL of the ftp server. 


Enter your user name for the server.


Enter your password for the server.

Port number

Currently not used but reserved for future use.  Specify the port number to use for the server connection. 


See also:

FTP Upload

Automator Options

Direct link to this page: http://www.buildautomator.com/onlinemanual/ftp_servers.htm